

Camels were known for bearing heavy burden and long journey and were fairly submissive. They were used as the major means of transportation for long journey during period of old Beijing. The government departments also bred camels for transportation. However, there were families in western and southwestern of Beijing that were specialized in breeding camel, which was called as"Camel households". They used camels for transportation, in order to make a living. The Mentougou and Fangshan area in the west of Beijing were rich in coals, Fucheng Gate was known as the major channel for camels to carry coals by camel. With the development of transportation means like vehicles, camel carts were gradually abolished.

河边喝水的骆驼 A Camel Was Drinking Water Near The River
景山外运输货物的三只骆驼 Three Camels Carrying Goods Outside Jingshan
驼队 Camels Team